Lastest version
History version
- 1.61.1 (2006-09-26)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- Manage rating into the playlist *.ezp
- Store rating into ID3v2
- Add rating in Explorer option
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- 1.61 (2006-09-10)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- Add new Theme Color, and auto refresh mode
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- 1.60 b007 (2006-09-06)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- Add Rating "Popuplarity-meter" for ID3v2 only frame 'POPM',
- New *.ezp format to include Rating media files
- fix bug Text Tabbed fixed output format (define column width),
- Add 2 Icon sets pack in the dialogbox ThemeColor + more themes colors added
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- 1.60 b005 (2006-08-26)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- Abort Progress for long scanning (Add files, Directory, Copy/Move files),
- Rename file from ID3Tag Track format with 2 digits 00-99
- Modify theme color
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- 1.60 (2006-08-17)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- New NSIS installer 2.17
- Add Menu 'Theme Color' option
- Add controller playingPlay/Pause, Stop, Next Track....
- A position slider which enables you to jump back and forward within the song.
- Add main menu 'Select', Copy or Move To song
- Change format template for Rename file and Write tag from filename (%A: Artist, %T: Title....) like CDex
- Add Copy to clipboard in PLaylist information dialogbox
- fix a lot of minor bugs
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- 1.55 (2002-06-05)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch
- Add Menu 'Refresh Explorer' option
- Add context menu Right Clic on Explorer
- Insert in winamp Menu a subMenu EZ-PLaylist (to launch, configure...) via menu
- Minimzed/Restore EZplaylist windows
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- 1.54 (2002-04-11)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish, Portugues (Brasil), Deutsch*
- Add Columns (Path, short filename)
- Add a confirmation asking "Are you sure, you want to delete X entries ?" when typing the key "DEL"
- Add new export XML format
- Add new view ID3v1/ID3v2 (if ID3v1 can't find look for a ID3v2)
- Add a Popup menu (Select All, Select none, Select toggle) for the list in (MassTag, Write Tag from file, Conversion ID3Tag, Rename File from ID3Tag)
- Add pack lang Deutsch' Thank's Von PoaB
- 1.53 (2002-03-16)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano, Spanish*, Portugues (Brasil)*

- Add pack lang 'Spanish' Thank's Javier Cerezal
- Add pack lang 'Portuguesa (Brasil)' Thank's João B. Santos
- fix bug EditTag (Popupmenu Swap fields Album <--> Artist, ...)
- Edit ID3 Dialogbox (if the file is read only add confirmation to force save)
- fix minor bug in About Dialogbox
- Fix bug remove tag ID3v2 "Write tag from file"
- Fix column sort order A-Z (and not reverse Z-A when opening)
- File|Save remenber the save file
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- 1.52 (2002-02-27)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano

- fix bug arrange column order (Columns dialogbox).
- Modify the format column of File size (50000 --> 50 Kb)
- Show file properties dialogbox is bigger (not need to scroll up/down) for 1 file selected
- add a "tick" in the menu Option/Explorer (Hide/show)
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- 1.51 (2002-02-10)
Multi-language: English, French, Italiano*

- Add pack lang 'Italiano' Thank's Federico (the 1st pack language).
- Add section 'Translate by ' in About dialogbox
- Fix bug "Selected file length" in status bar
- Fix bad name inside the popup menu "Select with same..."
- Save and restore Explorer
- Add new search by Year
- 1.50b4 (2002-01-19)
Multi-language: English, French

- Fix bug Access violation while changing language menu
- 1.50b3 (2002-01-15)
Multi-language: English, French

- Add Volume information (new format *.ez3)
- Option explorer
- new quick save/restore ini file gen-EZPlaylist.ini (binary file) (plugin.ini section [EZ-Playlisy] is obsolete)
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- 1.50b2 (2002-01-15)
Multi-language: English, French

- Add multi language pack like xxxx.lang.epz (ascii text file)
- Insert EZ3
- fix bug "find Duplicate "
- 1.50b1 (2001-12-12) english version only

- Add Explorer filter (shortcut F6)
- Optimize search for hugue list (separate thread)
- Fix bug ID3v1 "Organize MP3 file" when target has no genre
- Add Options "Find Duplicate"
- Reload/Refresh the playlist with the contents of the current WinAmp playlist (shortcut F5)
- 1.49 (2001-11-17) english version only

- Fix bug currupts EZ-Playlist When ID3v2 tag containing the .jpg picture (Thanks Glenn)
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- 1.48 (2001-11-12) english version only

- Fix bug save/restore properties
- Add BPM column in the main list
- Fix bug GPF for the large 'Comment' field ID3v2 (display the 512 first characters)
- 1.47 (2001-08-07) english version only

- Fix bug minor bug "capitalize" options
- Add new tab "Organize MP3 files" move your file into target directory depend on Artist/Album or Genre...
- Add Swap button in section "Edit ID3Tag" swap fields (Artist <--> Title <--> Album)
- Fix bug for export playlist with existing file
- Remove physically selected file(s)
- 1.46 (2001-05-10) english version only

1.46fr french version only 
- New shortcut Alt+Enter (Show properties)
- Fix bug in section "Write tags from filename" when file has no ID3v1 data
- 1.45 (2001-04-28) english version only

1.45fr french version only 
- Main Window EZplaylist in modeless mode
- In section "Write tags from filename" leave intact fields ID3v1 if exist
- 1.44 (2001-04-21) english version only

1.44fr french version only 
- Fix bug for large list > 10GB of mp3 files (calculate total file, Avg file...)
- Add property informations for selection playlist
- Fix bug sort track should be 1,2,3 not 1,11,12,13,2 etc.
- Remove a stupid bug add extesion .ez3 at the end of filename for "Save As" Playlist.ez.ez3 and so on add
- Save full playlist when filter is actived
- 1.43 (2001-04-10) english version only

1.43fr french version only 
- New filters modes by Artist, Album and Comment
- Add section ARTIST in "Playlist information"
- Add in the status bar "Length Select",
- 1.42 (2001-04-04) english version only

1.42fr french version only 
- No limit now, > 30 symbols for "Mass TAG" ID3v2 only,
- New option for Export HTML (export both ID3v1 and ID3v2 informations),
- Zeros remover 002 --> 2 track# ID3v2 only for Write Tag from filename",
- Add Popup menu from taskbar (group icons in systray).
- 1.41 (2001-04-02) english version only

1.41fr french version only 
- Fix bug file name in playlist always in lowercase
- New shortcut "alt+3" first check the presence of ID3v2 in mp3; if it's there, then show it, but if it's not there, show the ID3v1
- Add "capitalize" options with the following available options: (Unchanged,All lowercase,All uppercase,First letter of section uppercase,First letter of each word uppercase)
- 1.40 (2001-03-30) english version only

1.40fr french version only 
- Add "Recurse subdirectories"
- *** What's new in v1.30 beta 7 (2001-03-26)
- Add (VBR) Variable Bitrate Xing Encoder MP3
- Add new dialog box Match Time
- *** What's new in v1.30 beta 6 (2001-03-21)
- Add (VBR) Variable Bitrate Xing Encoder MP3
- Add new dialog box Match Time
- *** What's new in v1.30 beta 5 (2001-03-20)
- fix a stupid bug (no re-initialize Track# ID3v1 edit Tag page)
- fix save/restore Option separator field
- Change format number track like "00" Rename file name from tag
- *** What's new in v1.30 beta 4 (2001-03-19)
- Try to fix Volume 100% --> "Mute mode" on launch (DirectSound audio/plugin),
- Fix informations (Time/Length, bitrate, mode...) for MPEG 2.5 files,
- Add new dialog Reset default settings,
- many other small fixes and refinements
- *** What's new in v1.30 beta1, beta2 & beta3
- ID3v2 tag (Track#, BMP, Remixed, Composer Init Key),
- ID3v1.1
- Mass Copy ID3v1 --> ID3v2, ID3v1 <-- ID3v2
- Remove all tags ID3v1 and/or ID3v2
- Resize main window,
- Save/Restore columns width,
- Add columns "Track#" and "ID3Tag version", Number in playlist (in option),
- Match case mode search option,
- Add dialog: Playlist information,
- Add option in Double clic go to 'Edit Tag',
- New own format file *.EZ3 (more compact but not compatible sorry),
- Add icons in Configure Dialog box
- Add new shortcut like Ctrl+E (quick Edit), Ctrl+L (option Columns)...
- Add new shortcut like Alt+V, Alt+N (move previous/next file Edit ID3Tag mode)
- Fix some bugs (Avg time HTML export, GPF: Edit Tag mode...)
- Remove invalid characters for rename file from ID3Tag
- Switch option show ID3v1 / ID3v2
- Customize HTML Style page export format CSS (8 preformated styles)
- Text file format (separator: space) fixed length
- 1.0 (2000) 1st release version english Only

- My first version !!!! a small baby .
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Localization / Languages
To translate EZPlaylist to your language version, please download the
Official Language Package.
After the translating work finished, please send it to I will check it then add to the software.
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